Hanged at Winchester

Hanged at Winchester
Kategorier: Förvaring, Garage
151 SEK
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For decades the high walls of Winchester Prison have contained some of the country’s most infamous criminals. Until hanging was abolished in the 1960s it was also the main centre of execution for those convicted in Hampshire. Among the executions carried out here was the hanging of soldier Abraham Goldenberg for the murder of a bank clerk; William Podmore, hanged in 1930 after killing a garage owner in Southampton; and two Polish refugees who murdered a have-a-go hero during a bungled bank robbery. Winchester was also the site of the last triple execution in Britain, when a Teignmouth coachman, a Southampton labourer and an eighteen-year-old rifleman based at Aldershot were hanged together for three unrelated crimes. Fully illustrated with photographs news cuttings and engravings, Hanged at Winchester features each of the cases in one volume for the first time and is sure to appeal to everyone interested in the shadier side of Hampshire’s history.